1. Install Microsoft Core Fonts (such as Arial, Times New Roman)

sudo zypper install fetchmsttfonts

2. Install Infinality font rendering.
Some people believe OpenSUSE’s default font rendering is good enough, but I perfer the “Infinality font rendering”. The following is how to enable Infinality in OpenSUSE 13.2.

Add the official namtrac:subpixel Infinality repository for openSUSE 13.2 to your system. This is the one maintained by the actual Infinality developer(s):


  • Switch system packages to the versions in the namtrac:subpixel repository, and mark for installation any other packages in namtrac:subpixel that aren’t yet installed.
  • If you don’t know how to do above step, Check this link: https://en.opensuse.org/SDB:Vendor_change_update#Using_YaST_2
  • Make sure your desktop environment’s font configuration for subpixel hinting is set to “Use system settings” or something similar. Only if that option does not exist, set it to RGB order with slight hinting.
  • (Optional) Set all desktop fonts to your prefer.
  • Log out and log back in to your desktop.

via libretechtips

3. Enable extra repositories

  • Open YaST
  • Go to “Software Repositories”
  • Click on ‘Add’
  • Select ‘Community Repositories’
  • Choose the repositories that you need, I recommend:

Main Repository (OSS)
Main Repository (NON-OSS)
Main Update Repository
Packman Repository
libdvdcss repository (Add the Encrypted DVD support)

4. Install non-free Nvidia/ATi drivers
Check this: http://opensuse-community.org/1-click-collection
But please notice, some drivers are still in beta version.

5. Install Dropbox ServiceMenu
If you are a big fan of Dropbox, you will need Dropbox ServiceMenu, which allows easy access to most of Dropbox features such as “Copy Public URL to clipboard”

  • Firstly make sure you have added “openSUSE BuildService – KDE:Extra” to your repositories
  • Then search and install “dropbox-servicemenu” package

6. Check 1-click-collection for Multimedia codes:

7. Install software from http://software.opensuse.org/ :
http://software.opensuse.org/ is much like AUR if you are an Arch user. People create their own repositories then share them with other users. You can find some non-free software such like Skype on it. Install any software you need. But make sure to choose the active repositories, some repositories are out of maintain.

2 thoughts on “Top things need to do after installing openSUSE 13.2

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